Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fall Fund Raising with

Well they say that all good things must come to an end.... and that could never be a truer statement when it comes to summer!   I enjoy the seasonal change that comes with living in the mid west... but summer is THE best for me personally.   So.... without really calling it officially over.... as public service announcement.... I'm calling it the seventh inning stretch for sure.  For some of you it might already be the bottom of the ninth!  

Seasons change, the students in the classroom change, sometimes event the color of the paint on the classroom wall changes.... but one thing never changes.... the need for the ever elusive, hard to come by, and challenging to keep.... FUND RAISING dollars!  

This year I would like to invite you to take a close look at what were doing over here at  Tired of the same old idea's that seem to rise to the surface every year? 
Had enough pizza kits and cookie dough?  I love these tried and true concepts... it's just that my waist line
cannot handle it all like it used to!  

We will be releasing our Fall Fund Raising Campaign in the next week and cannot wait for you to see all the
unique and fresh idea's to help you reach your fund raising goals for the coming year.   One of the most exciting elements of this year's program are the customized imprint items we can create for your school, civic group, sports program, or church.   

Last year we heard a lot of positive comments and feedback about our Michigan Green Schools Eco Tee.
This iconic tee helped raise funds to offset some of the costs to implement these programs in the State of Michigan.  Oakland County has always been our biggest supporter so we were able to help offset some of 
their costs.   We were also able to help at the state level and truly appreciated the warm reception and support. 

Please visit our web page and take note of the new category to "Book Events" and our new Amazon Store link.  We have shipped green products all over the United States this year from our relationship with Amazon and now we look forward to continuing our partnership with schools, civic groups, and community organizations here in Michigan with our fall 2012 campaign. 

You may notice some new product additions such as the rain barrel and the compost tumbler.  These are exciting additions that can be added to any home or school and make an immediate highly visible impact.  They are made right here in Michigan from re purposed pickle and pepper shipping containers. 

With a renewed focus on urban farming and gardening these will make great additions to your current tools that will provide long term benefits now for next years garden.  We have these on display at a location at 94 S Washington in Oxford, Michigan.  We have had lots of questions about why we have kegs out on the front porch.... but those in the gardening and green world no better to ask!      

This compost tumbler comes with and easy to assemble wood stand and metal rod assembly for separating.  

Look for our brochure coming soon ,  check our "Book and Event" tab for your schools "Shift into Green" presentation, and see you back in the classroom!  

Best Regards,

Don Sherman    
President and CEO of 
101 Best and Brightest Sustainable Companies in Michigan.... 2012 Award Winner 
Best and Brightest Sustainable Companies 2012


Friday, August 10, 2012

Successful Summer Fund Raising.... 2012

Why are we always surprised when we arrive at this place?  Summer is winding down and I can feel it like never before.   Although there are still technically three full weeks left in August... why can I never fully enjoy them?   Because it is human nature to think ahead to what is coming and that usually means back to a routine we may not enjoy as much as what summer offers us.

This year will be especially different as my first of four children heads off to college.  There is an added element of change in the household knowing that there will be change.  There is that word again!  My son Alex will begin his freshman year at Michigan State University and that has got to be exciting for him.   He is starting from a much stronger position than I could have hoped for coming out of high school.  A scholar athlete with good work ethic has created a good foundation to build with.  My only question to him is does he have an opening in the dorm room for me... perhaps I can go back and work on that Masters degree?

Although summer months typically run at  a slower pace for us at (and that is a good thing...) we did run a successful campaign for the Salvation Army Echo Grove Camp. The send a kid to camp campaign provided resources to help fund scholarships for children that likely would not have otherwise been able to go to summer camp.  Here is the web address for the Echo Grove Salvation Army Camp... and I think they have a link if you are so inclined to want to make a contribution. 

We partnered with the Oxford Chamber of Commerce (Oxford, Michigan) and together were able to make these scholarships a reality.  The Chamber held their annual golf outing which was held at the Oxford Hills Golf and Country Club and raised funds for the Salvation Army Camp through some fun and exciting side games.  My Insurance Agency fielded a team and participated in the hole sponsorship's for the event.  We enjoyed the day and had a few highlights like a hole in one at the putting contents by my dad... the original Don Sherman.  We also participated in the red kettle collection to get a pro to take a tee shot for the team. The idea is that us mere mortals would never have a chance to stick a tee shot on the green on a "reachable" dog leg left and over the water hazard shot.  Sure enough our donation led to a great shot placed 5 feet from the pin which we finished off for an eagle!

All in all it was a great day with Team Sherman and we helped raise money for a great cause.... sending kids to camp!

I guess you can say the picture below says it all... Can you make a funny face for the camera?
 "Happy Campers" for sure!