To the point... you can feel it, taste it, and yes... now you can almost see it.... FOOTBALL... You Bet! And no where in this great land from sea to shimmering sea is it more celebrated at the high school level than in North Oakland County Michigan.
Unless you've been in a cave... by now you've heard about that crazy cat program in Oxford Michigan AND the "Blue Turf". This has a long and storied history which I will leave out of the story at this time.
Fact is... Cat's got Blue Turf! Nooo body else at this high school level has it. Can't say they do... can't even wish they could. Too late! Bud Rowley and his Oxford Wild Cats can without a doubt... unequivocally state...."WE GOT BLUE TURF!"
Now... the drama begins... because on August 26 th 2011....which up until last season was a 25 year hiatus. The school down the road in Lake Orion will be coming into town to defend their State Championship run and Division I title from last season.
Folks... throw out the turf factor... and throw out the record from last season.... cause this is "Rivalry Renewed... Round Two". DING!
Down Goes Frazier!
This year the has a special project that has been in development for months now. You can say it has been kept under wraps up until today. You might even say that a little bit of good old fashioned right out of the playbook action took place in the development of this iconic and collectible item.
Early this year we began a conversation about doing a fund raising event for both programs. We wanted to do something special to commemorate the inaugural game on the new turf. As the conversation started... it began to grow... like an urban legend... it grew and it grew.... and it grew...
Turf... yes... but we need to do more. How about a giant American Flag? Yes... that will add another element to event and thrill the expected crowd of 8,000 to 12,000. Hey... I love my country and sporting events are the way to show that love. But wait... what about media coverage... perhaps we an get ESPN to televise or at least make mention of this? Is it not worthy of some mention on ESPN. My golly... it has happened.... and Sports Illustrated has got a mention of it on their on line site.
ESPN might show up and I'm not kidding! But there is more... you see it would not be special unless... well... a fighter jet flow over the crowd at super speed.... barley at the legal limits... and rattle our brains just before the end of the Star Spangled Banner! My gosh.... I won't be at all surprised if that happens to!
So... with all this pomp and circumstance.... we felt it was only right to unveil the "Battle of the Blue Turf Rally Towel". Proceeds from the sale of this iconic and collectible towel will go to support BOTH football programs.
Don't have to wait in line at the game AND you can acquire your Rally Towel supply with an on-line discount. Get them on line priced at $8 with a limit of 250 per order. Or.... you can wait the day of the game and pay the full $10 price. Just like at the ball park... you pay more for everything the day of the game! Speaking of which... $8 for a pop at the ball park is kind of excessive? Don't you think?
Regardless if your a Wild Cat or a Dragon fan... get to the game... support the "Rally Towel" fund raising event... have a good time. Because... all the hype aside.... there is a game to play... let's bring that back to the front AND center.
FYI... I am in a touch spot... my business is in Oxford for the past 23 years... Coach Rowley is a personal friend of mine... we have push up contests when he comes by my office... and at his age... he still schools me!
My son is a Lake Orion Dragon and so are his friends, team mates and classmates.
Last quick and short story... Bud Rowley stopped in last year for our annual visit and support for the annual sports program fund raiser. It's been 25 years since these two programs have squared off on the grid iron! As always... we support the local sports programs and this year is no exception. The Wild Cats are in my yard! Bud looks at me... and extends a parting handshake....his steel blue eye's locked on mine...and says "Don... thanks for your support... but... you go with your son... you go with the Dragons... Good Luck!"
Wow... what a relief... to get let off the hook by the Oxford legend himself!
Good luck to both programs! Like I've always taught me kids... when the game is over... reach out and extend your hand to your opponents hand and say "Thank you for the great challenge you gave us today"!
Nuff said... ;)
The "Rally Towel" fund raiser is off to a great start. Look for our table outside the gate today at the Junior Varsity game at 4 pm in Lake Orion. Later we will be at Centennial Park in Oxford from 6:30 to 7:30.
Look for us on Game Day out side the gate before entering the stadium. $5 sale price with proceeds going to both football programs. You gotta love high school football in North Oakland County!
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