Saturday, September 17, 2011

Leave are falling all around.... Really...

Hello again!  Autumn is in the air today.  I can feel it, taste it,  and soon I will be busy chasing after what fall does...."fall".   Got leaves?  I do to and each year we begin our annual fall clean up here in beautiful Oakland Michigan.   Wonder how our forefathers determined the name for our fair hamlet?  I imagine it had something to do with the "land" being covered with "Oak" trees.  Leaves are falling all around...

We really have a great history here in north Oakland County and so much to celebrate.   We are blessed with a great place to:  Live, Work, Play... Shop, Dine, Stay... Great place to bring your family and business... to enjoy our Lakes, Rivers, and Trails...  If you have not seen the new M 24 celebratory tee... you likely will soon.

  I created this as a borrowed idea from the now famous M 22 icon that we see plastered all over the back windows of vehicles throughout the country now.  M 22 is a stretch of highway along the "pinkey finger" on your handy Michigan map (left hand down flat please...) .  Why do people willingly advertise a stretch of highway in northern Michigan?  If I tell you... you have to promise to keep it to yourself!   You see... my fear is that once the cat is out of the bag (what the hell does that mean anyway?) that everyone will want to go there... and change what we love about this place.

What is so special about this place?  I can tell you that there are some of the most beautiful places on earth here.  What?  In Michigan?  What U talking about Willis?   It is true... but you need to keep it to yourself...promise?

When you need to find a peaceful place to reconnect with... well just fill in the blank here... there is nothing better than the clean, fresh water beaches of western Michigan.... and the pinkey has by far the best offering.

In fact... I blogged about the Good Morning America program selecting the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Shoreline as the most beautiful place in America.  This is a special place for so many of us who grew up here in the Mitten since we have such fond memories of great times in this place.  Ever been to the dune walk over looking Big Glen and Little Glen Lakes?  I can remember as a child coming here with my friends by the bus load.  We bounded out of the bus and dropped out shoes at the base and began the assent?  Talk about a great cardio work out?   You think your making progress... your heart is pounding out of your chest... and what you don't realize right away is that with every step you take up and forward... the sand is sliding like it does in the hour glass and your giving back ground with every movement.  Talk about two steps forward... one step back!  But... at last you reach the summit (or so you think) and turn around to take in a breath taking view of the Glenn lakes in the distance.  Pure Michigan!   Do you have the guts, energy, stamina to continue on... because when you turn and look ahead... there is yet another assent to begin.  If your like me naturally you have to get to the next peak to see what lye's ahead....  and for those who can make the 2 mile over the sand dunes...the reward is nothing less than Grand.   The reward comes in the form of a breath taking view out across Lake Michigan AND the amazing 70 degree slope that drops hundreds of feet down to the sandy/rocky/driftwood covered shore. Just listen to the sound of the waves pounding the beach....

Now... the last secret... and then back to my original point... when you visit Sleeping Bear Dunes National Shore line... there are several ways to experience this wonderful place.  For those who are less able to navigate the dunes... there is the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive.  This is worth the time for all... fit or less fit... take the drive and experience all that this place has to offer.  Once your there... it is a short walk to the platform over look.  For those who are looking for something heart pounding... start the descent... just remember... there is no one there to bring you back to the top other than... you.

OK... now... back to "Oakland" and the M 24 campaign...  We here in north Oakland County are blessed with great beauty and natural places as well.   And... in fact... Lake Orion is a place where the motto is "Where Living is a Vacation..." And... Oxford... well... we just "Celebrate Oxford"... and "Oxford Rocks"... so let's borrow a little from our M 22 friends and enjoy what we have each and every day.

M 24 Tee
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M 24 Tee

Price per Unit (piece): $18.00
You Save: $1.00

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We took a page out of the successful M 22 promotional icon. Yes... the west coast of Michigan is a wonderful place and is celebrated by those who love to travel the scenic Michigan west coast highway. They've got nothing on the towns that are joined by M 24.... after all Lake Orion is "Where living is a vacation" and "Oxford Rocks". We are truly blessed here in our North Oakland county communities and this icon celebrates all that we have to offer. Show your M 24 pride and tell the world that M 24 iconic in it's own ways.mce_markermce_marker

So... if you love where you live... then show it with pride... available in adult sizes to 2X and youth sizes.

Since your probably like me... and soon will have leaves up to your eyeballs... now is the best time to stock up on yard refuse lawn/leaf Kraft bags.  I am constantly picking up a sleeve here and there from the local hardware/ grocery store since... stuff keep on falling pretty much year round in my yard.  I love to compost and have a great system in place for organic matter from my kitchen, lawn, and garden.  However,  during the fall... I reach the critical mass and produce much more than I can handle in my system.  Enter... the Kraft bag!   Don't sell me a stack of 3 or 5... I need volume... get me the Bundle!  That's right... I'm talking bout 50... and bring it!

Lawn and Leaf Paper Bag No print
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Lawn and Leaf Paper Bag No print

Price per Unit (piece): $59.95
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We all use them for yard cleanup.  Fall, spring, summer... you always need a supply.  Why not buy them in a bale of 50 and save?  Plus... your helping to raise funds for your local school or community group.   Two-ply, heavy-duty, kraft paper reduces rips and tears and is environmentally friendly. Self-standing bags are available with or without print. for printing price.

We're pretty sure this will do the job!  Our Kraft bags are slightly different in that they are made with recycled content AND with each purchase you can support your local school, community group or civic organization.

Think of this as "raking in dollars" for your school!  Rack in the green this fall with our Kraft bag fund raiser.  You gotta get them somewhere... why not from the kid next door to support their cause?  Beside... maybe you can strick a deal with that kid and hire them to rack your leaves!

It's time for a change in fund raising... time for something that is healthy, cleaner, greener, AND educational.  Operators are standing by to take your call... 866-752-6626...  ;)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall Newsletter.....Fall fund raising

Fall is right around the corner and in fact I just explained to my daughter Amanda that the Autumnal Equinox marks the official transition of the summer season to fall. Yes... you can't take the science teacher out of me and I will take this opportunity to explain this annual transition to "students" through out the world. 
Recall... that the earth is tilted on its access at approximately 23 degrees AND is in continual rotation while we migrate around the sun (according to current accepted theory). It is this unique positioning that creates the continual changes of the season as the direct rays of the sun are concentrated at differing points on the surface of the earth. Fall marks the point and time where the suns rays are directly concentrated at the equator and therefore we move from longer days of warmer sunshine in the northern hemisphere into shorter, cooler days. This phase marks many changes to come in length of day, temperatures, weather patterns, plant growth, and photosynthetic processes. Thus, the leaves begin their annual change in color AND the photosynthetic processes in all plant life begin to slow down leading to the annual fire works display known as Autumn. 
Now... back to the business of School is back in session and the summer slumber is over for this year. Football games are back in full swing and our children are being challenged to come back to focus on reading, writing, arithmetic, and more. One thing you should have discovered upon your return to the classroom is that the resources to educate our children with are not what they used to be. Even in just one summer season there have been significant reductions in resources to do what we used to be able to count on in the way of financial resources. I have been saying for several quarters now..."We are not in Kansas anymore...." and to that point we have to be creative and more willing to find or create funding to get the job done. 
Enter ! I created GFS with the sole mission of providing a platform to create education and awareness about small, yet significant shifts we can make in the course of daily living that I call "Green Shifts". These are things we already do each and every day and have already developed habits in the way we do these activities. Our mission is to show alternative options that offer cleaner and greener methods in these activities of daily living. Ultimately its up to you to determine if the outcome is right for you. The next steps are called the action steps that we offer up in the way of unique fund raising opportunities. 
We put the learned material to action through creating the unique fund raising that allows your group to take the message to their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and businesses. Think of other fund raising your school or civic group has participated in over the past years? If your family is like mine it probably involved a variety of unhealthy food items such as cookie dough, pizza kids, candy, or pies. There is no learning at all going on with this type of fund raising AND leads to confusing messages that are telling our kids.... go sell this to your family and friends.... at the same time we are reading reports about child hood obesity, sedentary life styles, and predicted diabetes epidemics in our culture. 
Our program offers not only education and awareness... but promotes a healthy message in cleaner and greener options in the course of daily living. We even offer up suggested healthy snack options that promote a more nutritious selection of snack food options for your pantry. We give your group complete control and offer what we call a K.I.S.S. fund raiser (Keep it Simple, Sustainable). There is no better way to give your group "ownership" of their fund raising then through letting them build their own selection of products that they choose from. 
Don't "Fall" into the same old habits and do what your group did last year... just because it was quick and easy. Take a new course of action that provides your group with the benefits of education, awareness, action, and fund raising that makes sense. Our fall programs are available to come to your school or community organization to present to your group. Our 1 hour presentation is a fee based program that will provide your group with an education in topics such as recycling to the next level, composting, house hold hazardous waste disposal, reuse of materials, re-purposing of materials, and healthy life style choices. 
Head to our web site and begin the registration process now. Dates are filling up so don't delay your registration. 
Visit... today, click on the "Education" tab, then click on "Book an event" tab. The fee based program has a registration fee of $100 AND can be waived if your group does a fund raising partnership. In other words... we provide a fee based education for those who only want to participate in the learning phase. AND.... for those groups who want to go all the way to the next steps of a fund raiser can have the fee waived through their fund raising commitment.
Thanks for your words of encouragement and support! Don't forget to check out our special "Green Halloween" offerings to make our fall season better than ever!
Best Regards, 
Don Sherman
President of
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